Admissions FAQs

We know that navigating private school admissions can be tricky, especially as different schools utilize different processes. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have lingering questions!

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Does Montessori Academy have an application deadline?

Montessori Academy conducts rolling admissions. We accept applications year-round and fill open seats throughout the year should they arise.

How long is the wait?

We are unable to guarantee a specific timeframe for individuals because our waitpool varies by level and the complex nature of mixed-age admissions. We prioritize applications using many factors, only one of which is the amount of time spent in the waitpool.

Do I need to re-apply for next year?

No. Applications roll into the next school year automatically and the application fee is only paid one time as long as the application remains active. Questionnaires may need to be updated to best reflect the development of your child.

I have applied, when should I expect to hear from you?

Applications are automatically entered into our waitpool. When a space becomes available for a student, we contact families from the waitpool to schedule an admissions interview. Applications remain in the waitpool by ‘default.’